Tuesday, June 27, 2006

She Thinks My Wet Suit's Sexy

I spent the last few days on the west coast at my friend Jeanne's house in county Kerry- arguably the most beautiful part of the country. It was just the holiday/ mental health break I needed. As much as I love Dublin, I love the opportunity to get out.
Kerry is truly amazing. The west coast is the part of the country I first fell hopelessly in love with. Dublin was a relationship I had to build on, and after many months we grew to love eachother. But the west coast... it was love at first sight.
To begin with, the scenery is just incredible. The mountains, the ocean, the cliffs... you cant buy that kind of peace and quiet. Smelling of salt and seawater all the time-- its intoxicating.

Jeanne and Nugie and I had a wonderful time just hanging out as we always do. Some other highlights were drinking by the bonfire, hiking (rock climbing, really) by the sea, horseback riding (YIKES) and surfing-- I LOVE SURFING! I have officially become completely addicted and may have to move to California where I spend the rest of my days in the water and on a rockin board. I love it. Plus I look dead sexy in a wet suit. (Yah, totally kidding, I look like a freckled-walrus).

All in all, it was a wonderful trip! Just the holiday I needed before diving head first into this research. Hang on to your hats, kids... its gonna be a loooong summer.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Older the Fiddler, the Sweeter the Tune

Last week I celebrated my 23rd birthday with five of the most beautiful ladies in Dublin! We saw a matinee of "The Year of the Hiker" by John B. Keane, one of my favorite playwrights. Then it was off to Ba Mizu for espresso martinis (delish- see photo below) and rude cosmopolitans (not quite sure how they are differ from regular cosmos, but they are fabulous). When we went to Salamanca, our favorite tappas restaurant, and our table still wasn't ready, we decided to head for cheese and wine at The Wine Cellar around the corner. We were feeling quite mature and cultured until my favorite Killers song came on the radio to which we all squealed and broke into song, causing quite the scene in this quiet tiny cellar. Ahhh, the effects of alcohol. (Though to be honest, we probably would have done it sober).

When we finally got in to Salamanca we had a delicious dinner, followed by Irish coffees and chocolate cake complete with candle, singing waitress (yes, we were THAT table), and a few more birthday surprises, including a gift certificate to get a brazilian (and I dont mean a footballer). *cough*

"I think 23 will be a good year. Like Michael Jordan... only BETTER!"

Life Tests

I generally have pretty mixed feelings on the whole "God" issue... I often subscribe to the Angels in America school of thought: "If God comes back, take him to court. He walked out, and he outta pay." Today is one of those days where I just feel like a dose of bad karma or something is messing with me. The universe is out of wack. If it is God... that bitch is testing me.

This morning when I went for my run I was harassed by every low life that lives in Dublin city. Seriously considered punching one of said scumbags in the face, but decided breaking my hand would not be good for the track career I hope to resume once I go home. Then it was back to the flat where I proceeded to work myself into a full-fledged panic over my dissertation, my career, MY LIFE. I know, I know, being a drama queen is exhausting.

Then I had bad hummus for lunch. That made me ill. No more elaboration needed.

I left the house this afternoon with just enough change for the bus and a latte and left my cards at home (to avoid being tempted by any sales on Grafton street). On my way to school a guy my age comes up to me in tears. "I'm so sorry to bother you- I've lost my car keys- they had my work keys on them- I'm going to be fired- I just need enough money to get the Dart (train) back home to get a spare key..." You get the drift. So in hopes that if I was in a bind a stranger would be kind to me, I gave him the money I had and like an idiot walked clear to town before realizing now I didnt have any money to get where I needed to go. On the way home to get my credit cards, I was caught in a downpour so mighty it could've been potentially mistaken for the apocalypse.

When I finally made it to school I had a completely useless dissertation seminar where my classmates suggested I basically write an entirely different essay. "Wouldnt it be interesting to look at the psychology behind rapists during wartime?" ... "Yes it would, but thats not what I'm writing on." Siiigh.

In hopes of reclaiming my bad day, the girls and I went to Nugie's house for some Sex and the City. Half way through the series finale, I look down and realize my Grammy's ring is missing-- the ring I wear every day of my life is missing! So SATC is interrupted and my friends and I spend the rest of the evening combing Nugie's apartment while I mutter, "I could have sworn I was playing with it in the episode when Mr. Big..." I leave Nugie's and proceed to sob my way home.

Back at the flat I change into pajamas and leopard print slippers (because leopard print slippers make everyone feel better) and make popcorn. I place the bag in the microwave and while I run to my room to begin going through my school bag in search of the ring for the 485th time, the popcorn bag catches fire-- literally (there must be a lawsuit in there somewhere). Popcorn destroyed, evening sufficiently ruined.

As I contemplated throwing myself into the Liffey, I searched through my bag one last time for the ring, and as I rifled hopelessly through my research, lip gloss, and spare change-- it appeared. My bloody ring appeared. I burst into tears all over again- overcome with relief and cursing this entire day.

It certainly felt like a test... and I always do better on essays.

NOTE: Birthday photos coming soon!

Friday, June 16, 2006

T' was a Very Good Year

"...it was a very good year for small town girls, and soft summer nights..."

My last day at the age of 22 ((sigh)).

It has been a very good year, full of new beginnings and fabulous experiences. I've made wonderful new friends who will no doubt be permanent fixtures in my life and I've reconnected with old friends that have been only further cemented into my heart. Its been an exciting, challenging, perfectly marvelous year!

Birthday plans are in the works as we speak! I bought myself a birthday outfit that may be making an appearance. The theatre, dinner, cocktails, and a night on the town with some very hot ladies are already in order. Its shaping up to be a lovely day.

But I wont be doing 23 shots or anything ridiculous like that. I am much too old for those shenanigans. :+)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Painful Progress

"Nothings lost forever. In this world there is a kind of painful progess. Longing for what is left behind and dreaming ahead."
-Angels in America

The stress is palpable. All-consuming. Lethal. Somewhere along the line my life became a series of questions... questions with no answers. I could drown in the uncertainty. Everyone says to enjoy the process. I am often too worried about what comes next in life to truly enjoy the present... too concerned about letting experiences and people go. Yeah you'll always have memories, but memories are not tangible. I want the real thing.

My life is often just one big contradiction. It must be the Gemini in me... the personality extremes. I miss home like crazy, but I love my life here. I love being in Ireland and I love being a student, but I am ready to kick my career into motion, ready to start meeting some of my goals. I am excited about what may come next, but terrified as hell it wont be enough.

When is it all supposed to come together? At what point do you know when "its" not going to happen? Do you ever really know? At what point do you stop worrying about life and just start living life?

Do the questions ever develop into answers, or do the questions define the painful progess?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Take Me Baby or Leave Me

Awwwww. I miss you!!!

Now where is the monkey?!?! :)

Monday, June 12, 2006

"Whats so maybe about Katie?!"

Its not even 7am and I have done laundry and vacuumed the flat. Look at me go!

Oh, life has been crazy lately! Trips and visitors and chaos, oh my! Miss Katie was here for the last ten days, doing as the Irish do. It was the exciting Irish Adventure that she anticipated, complete with crime (theft), love (i.e. a few fun evenings w/ an Irish lad), and drink (Guinness). Katie is like family, in the best and worst of ways. We love eachother like family and bicker like siblings- its wonderful. Photos will have to be posted.

I'm getting an early start on this Manic Monday because I have got to get a routine down for my dissertation, working out, etc... thats right. I am a schedule-happy fool- calenders make me high- and this summer has seen nothing like a 'routine.' Its more like do a little work, go to Paris, do a little work, give a tour of Dublin. Dont get me wrong, no complaints here! Thus far the summer has been fabulous. Its just time to get my act together.

This morning I am eating the breakfast of champions (an omelette and veggie bacon- yum) before heading to the gym, running a zillion errands, and preparing for my dissertation meeting this afternoon. The rest of the day will be comprised of some library time, research, and job applications (( grooooan)) before I settle down with a pint to watch the World Cup tonight with some football-crazy Irish.

Its going to be a delightfully productive day, and I am loving every second of it!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


So the devil didnt come yesterday... but some devil went through my purse and stole my phone and all my money, stole a couple hundred from Katie along with her watch, and broke both her sunglasses and her camera.

The world may not have ended, but it was a bad freakin day.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bono fide Highlights

Me and Bono!!!!!

Me, Mom, Dad, and Irish writer Billy Keane (son of playwright J.B. Keane) at his pub in Listowel, County Kerry.

Yours truly, mimicking Winged Victory in the Louvre, to which my father responds, "Have you no inhabitions?!"

Me, Mom, and Dad at a pub in Dingle.

Good times had by all. ((Sigh))

I need another holiday.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Jet- Setting, Jackie O Style

Oh you crazy Masque-bloggers with your new and improved links. Always raising the bar.

I have been a very bad blogger, MIA since about March. I will be better! I will be better! I will be better!

The month of May was MADNESS! The hellish essay ordeal finally ended with the May 2nd deadline and a rousing pub crawl. We had a week long mediation school which was really interesting, and it was such a relief to be out of the library and back in the classroom. Then it was home for extensive dental work (booo) and Jared's law school graduation (yay).

A few days after I returned to the Emerald Isle with improved dental hygiene, my parents came to visit for a whirlwind tour of Ireland and Paris. It was a fabulous trip altogether. Highlights included: drinking Guinness with Bono, being a tour guide, meeting the son of one of my favorite Irish playwrights J.B. Keane, driving through the country side, traditional Irish music, and shopping in Dublin. Parisian highlights: best pastries, hot chocolate, and falafel in the world, the Louvre, walking from one corner of Paris to the other, the Musee d' Orsay, and one incredible piano bar. We had a blast!

Alas, it is time for me to buckle down with my dissertation research. Katie is coming to visit next week which means I will be spending the entirety of the weekend in the library to get a jump start on my work. Also on the agenda is some much needed catching up with the girls. The realization has sunk in the my days here in Ireland are numbered, so I am committed to relishing every moment in my favorite country with some of my favorite people.

But for now, its back to work...