Wednesday, September 21, 2005

One Pissed Catholic

Thus far, not a productive day on the home front here in New London. Of course I have TONS of things I could be doing before I leave for Ireland... going through clothes, organizing, cleaning, packing, buying a few necessities... but instead, here at 6:45pm I am glued to my desk chair, fuzzy navel in hand, and reading the Grand Jury Report of the Philadelphia Arch Diocese; it is SICKENING, my friends.

In the words of my Dad (whose letter to the editor you can read in today's edition of the Philly Inquirer), it is as if the world's most perverted, porn-directing pedophile wrote this report. It makes you want to vomit. It is UNREAL what these Priests have gotten away with for so long, after ruining the lives of these young children. I mean, wouldn't you be a bit fucked up if a Priest anally raped you in the Confessional? And all of the Cardinals, Bishops, Popes, Nuns, teachers, and secretaries who have covered this shit- they are all JUST AS FUCKING GUILTY.

I really hope that this forces those Catholics who were brainwashed with blinders on in the past to be educated and hold the guilty accountable. Just because someone wears a vestment does not make them holy, and those who wear vestments and have committed these atrocities- they are scum.

And for those whose response is to "pray on it"- I'm praying that the Supreme Court overrides the Statute of Limitations because the scandal is so widespread, and that these Priests spend the rest of their disgusting lives locked up where they belong. I wonder if the gang member with an anger management problem in the same cell would just "pray on" the rape of young children? Not even criminals like sick bastards like that. So why does the Pope?

I am ashamed to be a Catholic today. But please, read the report for yourselves.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Catching Up

Okay, so I have been doing a TERRIBLE job of keeping up with my blog. However, I have a good excuse: I AM MOVING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY! (Haha- I'm going to see how far I can get with that bad boy for the next 5 days).

I officially began my "goodbyes" which completely sux ass. I am trying not to lose my head over it because I will be home in December, but its been hard, nonetheless. Thursday I caught up with Melissa, Ryan, Tricia and some other cool cats for awhile at the new and improved (as in SANITARY) C-71. Those kids are hysterical so it was a good time.

This weekend was spent up in Philly. Saturday night I got all dressed up in my Oscar de la Renta inspired dress and went on a date with the hottest man in town. We went to a romantic, overpriced, lousy restaurant and a perfectly MARVELOUS time. We had dessert at the Four Seasons and even went dancing; it was a phenomenal date. Sunday I had the day to myself which was nice. I had all day long to be nostalgic and walk the city- my city- and take in all the "our's" and "favorites". I went to an art show in Rittenhouse and then stopped in all my favorite bargain shops (and not-so-bargain-shops) on my way down to Old City. I read the newspaper at Cosi and saw a movie at the Ritz (The Constant Gardener which is FABULOUS, by the way), and sat- just SAT- in the park behind Independence Hall and enjoyed the beautiful weather. That night, Jared and my parents met me at Cuba Libre for drinks. Mohjitos were consumed and good times were had. It was the perfect ending to one of my last weekends in Philly. If I wasn't a vegetarian I would've gotten a cheese steak before I left.

So I am spending my last days here in New London trying to get my ass together for next Sunday . I have not even considered packing- I have been mostly consumed by looking for accommodations and making sure all of my loans go through. Tomorrow I am going to begin some of those tedious-but-necessary tasks, like buying toiletries and all that jazz.

I am getting really, really anxious. Next Sunday is approaching FAST! I just hope I am ready...

Friday, September 09, 2005


I got back from Philly Wednesday night after picking Dad up from the airport. CRAZY couple of days... I had to appear in court for a friend of mine who was wrongfully accused of a crime. I wasnt even a very important piece of the puzzle but I was a nervous wreck! I was literally sick with worry for him. Luckily, the judge realized that the charges were bullshit and my friend is in no trouble whatsoever. PHEW!

When I got home I played catch up... I finally spoke with Katie, my Manhattan transfer. She is, to no surprise, absolutely loving NYC and doing, well, just fabulously! I caught up with Coll who is raising all types of hell in Iowa, and I finally saw Jenny's adorable studio in Center City. Yesterday and today were paperwork days- my financial aid is almost in order, though my accomodations are not. As of right now, I will be homeless in Dublin, which is just lovely. *OY*

Its my buddy Steve's birthday party tonight- a birthday hoedown to be exact. So Jared and I are trucking out to Harrisburg this evening. Knowing Steve, everyone will be faced by the time we get there, but I am sure it will prove to be an entertaining evening.

Jared has to head back to Philly this weekend with a ton of work to do, so I am on my own. Think I may continue to catch up with some kids I wont be seeing as often once I go to Ireland and get some much needed R&R.

We shall see! Stay tuned! :)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Way We Were

"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were old? Then we could say we survived all this. Everything thing would be uncomplicated, the way it was when we were young?"

My friend Katie and I watched The Way We Were last week before she left for Manhattan and cried into our big glasses of cheap wine. Isn't it funny how the past and the future are almost always more appealing than the present?

Its been an aggrivating week. Turns out trying to move to another country isn't easy. I have bundles and bundles of paperwork to fill out but cannot do so until I have some more information from the University. Its really making me go nuts- all of this looming over my head. I desperately want to just wake up tomorrow and have enough financial aid, a student visa in hand, and a beautiful flat to live in when I get to Dublin- I mean really, is that too much to ask? Unfortunately Sallie Mae needs me to sign my life away first, I can never get ahold of the people I need to speak with at the college, and almost everyone I have heard from in Dublin wants me to share a room with a stranger... *sigh*... DAMN Trinity and their booked housing! I cannot wait until all of this nonsense is done with so I can be actually look forward to going. Right now I am far to overwhelmed to even consider about being excited.

I'm in Philly with Jared the next couple days- hopefully the change of scenery will bring better luck.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Eire or Bust

Months of uncertainty, doubt, and utter chaos came to a screeching halt this week with a decision that will change my life...

For my Masters degree in International Peace Studies with an emphasis on International Relations, I will be attending Trinity College, Dublin.

Yes, that's Dublin, Ireland.

Despite my adoration of Ireland and all things Irish, this was not an easy decision to make. Moving to another country by myself is entirely different than visiting for a few weeks with friends and a tour guide. However after weighing all the options, Trinity is an opportunity that's just too good to pass up. Life is too short. I'm going to follow my bliss.

So the next month of my life will be preparing for this great adventure. I can hardly wait...

*I could have never made this decision without you*