Wednesday, September 21, 2005

One Pissed Catholic

Thus far, not a productive day on the home front here in New London. Of course I have TONS of things I could be doing before I leave for Ireland... going through clothes, organizing, cleaning, packing, buying a few necessities... but instead, here at 6:45pm I am glued to my desk chair, fuzzy navel in hand, and reading the Grand Jury Report of the Philadelphia Arch Diocese; it is SICKENING, my friends.

In the words of my Dad (whose letter to the editor you can read in today's edition of the Philly Inquirer), it is as if the world's most perverted, porn-directing pedophile wrote this report. It makes you want to vomit. It is UNREAL what these Priests have gotten away with for so long, after ruining the lives of these young children. I mean, wouldn't you be a bit fucked up if a Priest anally raped you in the Confessional? And all of the Cardinals, Bishops, Popes, Nuns, teachers, and secretaries who have covered this shit- they are all JUST AS FUCKING GUILTY.

I really hope that this forces those Catholics who were brainwashed with blinders on in the past to be educated and hold the guilty accountable. Just because someone wears a vestment does not make them holy, and those who wear vestments and have committed these atrocities- they are scum.

And for those whose response is to "pray on it"- I'm praying that the Supreme Court overrides the Statute of Limitations because the scandal is so widespread, and that these Priests spend the rest of their disgusting lives locked up where they belong. I wonder if the gang member with an anger management problem in the same cell would just "pray on" the rape of young children? Not even criminals like sick bastards like that. So why does the Pope?

I am ashamed to be a Catholic today. But please, read the report for yourselves.


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