Friday, July 14, 2006

"It's nice to have someone around to tell you you're quite right when you know in your heart you're quite wrong."

Yesterday was a lovely day! Had many hilarious email correspondences with my online lover MM, reconnected with a friend who is going to be of invaluable help to my dissertation, and had a wonderful night at the theatre with my friends and my new, very favorite dress!
"The Constant Wife" was fantastic! The story investigates the masquerade of a "perfect marriage," what it means to be an independent woman, and what it means to be in love. "How does one know when one is in love?"..."Could you use his toothbrush?" The actors were phenomenal. We all really enjoyed it. I need to make an effort to get to the theatre more often.
Last night Ann and I had hot chocolate and a nice long chat about the peculiarity of Irish guys. I have beautiful, funny, intelligent friends and they are continually dicked over by Irish guys. I don't mean to be a hater, but these guys (correction: some of these guys) are lower than assholes- they are complete cowards. They don't even entertain the obligatory post-date phone call known in the States as manners- they instead opt for a disappearing act of sorts, resulting in broken promises and broken hearts. Its complete bullshit. I have never seen behavior like this in my life. I swear I'll castrate the next Neanderthal that does this to my friends.
Okay sorry- rant over.
In other news, marathon training and dissertation research continues! I'm not anticipating a very exciting weekend. Mostly work and running- maybe a night at the cinema. I'm looking forward to a few low key nights- I still haven't fully recovered from Oxegen! (Siiiigh) I'm getting old...


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