Monday, July 03, 2006

I had another argument with my boyfriend Insomnia last night. It was a long battle, rife with tossing and turning, a brief and restless slumber, and a 7am wake-up call. Clearly, I lost. Not only have I been suffering from sleep depravation, but we have seen a return of the Essay Hives, otherwise known as the I-am-stressing-myself-out-so-successfully-that-my-body-is-rejecting-itself. I woke up clawing at my neck like a crazed animal. I know what you're thinking, and yes, it is HOT.

Admitting defeat, I stumbled into the shower at 7:15am, eyes puffy and limbs heavy. The defeat is particularly dissapointing because this was my second week of the DETOX program and I have been unable to reap the benefits of my good behavior. Annoyed by the lethargic, unproductive mornings as a result of greasy pub grub and copius amounts of alcohol, I decided that my body needs a break. Enter organic foods, whole grains, and vegetables galore. (I'm not cutting out alcohol, because lets be serious I live in Ireland, but I am limiting the intake slightly). I think I would feel tremendously better if only I could get a little shut-eye. SIGH. If only...

I had an uber productive weekend and thus far a productive Monday. I'm in a good routine with my dissertation. Work out in the morning, read for a few hours, write a minimum of 500 words, and then relax, or read more depending on the day. Lately I've been relaxing by working on a script that I started a year ago. Its been the perfect creative outlet (systematic rape research needs an outlet) and I have made more progress with it in the last week and half than in the last year. It also means I am basically writing ten hours a day, but I figure its good practice. It feels damn good to have the artistic juices flowing.

Its my sister Bryn's 19th birthday today which is pretty incredible. Sometimes I forget that I'M older than 19. It seems like just yesterday we were piled onto our trundle bed surrounded by every stuffed animal in the house snorting (i.e. fake snoring) until my Dad yelled in, "I'm not kidding, its time for bed!" which would result in an eruption of giggles. Ah, good times. I miss my sisters.

Thats all from across the pond! Hope everyone is managing to stay cool and enjoy this summer that is freakin flying by! X


At 1:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHH goodtimes!!! i love that little memory! i dont have many of the old house.. but that one is definitally a favorite! i wish you were with us!i love you.. thanks for all of the bday shout outs!! XOXOXOXO


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