Unfettered Optimism
I woke with a headache this morning due to the copius amounts of sangria consumed last night, and a new attitude to boot. Hello, other side of the rainbow. I am trying to put all bad thoughts (and bad hair cuts) behind me. When I washed it today and wore it as my normal curly/ wavy mess, it wasnt as bad as yesterday. A little Carrie Bradshaw-esque length. I'm no longer contemplating suicide... just uncomfortable with my uncomfortably shorter look. Sigh. New pictures soon to come.
Anywho, I slept off the nightmare that was yesterday until about noon and made my way to the gym. One killer workout and two hours later, I had a delciously healthy lunch at Cornucopia, and spent the rest of the day in Starbucks. Lots of work done this afternoon. I'm feeling good about this essay. Damn good. Research, outline, and thesis complete. I just have to start writing...
Tonight Nuggie came over for a Girls-Night-In with Ann and I: nothing says Saturday night like pizza and Sex and the City. It was grand. Ann isn't quite the SATC covert yet, but we're only on season two... I will prevail!
So, I continue to look ahead to long days of writing and one day, longer hair. I'm also rolling out to London on Thursday which will be FABULOUS. Ben's birthday London style... it will be amazing.
But for now, I'm going to have me some Mr. Big.
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