Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Who Needs Sleep

I've had it for days... the dreaded INSOMNIA. I havent been able to sleep before 3am, and even then it is a very restless slumber, waking up hourly. Its really mocking my tired ass tonight. After about three hours sleep last night, I thought for sure I would pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow tonight... yah, not so much. Its 4am and I am sitting here in sweats, listening to the wind howl, munching on my homemade banana bread with cream cheese (DELISH, thanks very much) and I am no where near sleep. The only positive aspect of this craptacular evening? A few mysterious phone calls from "The Sandman" (aka Jared) and a lullaby that included the phrase "...and if that Clementine's not sweet, Mommys gonna buy you a piece of meat." Its disturbing details like this that make me adore that boy.
I'm sure my insomnia is anxiety related; my mind has been swimming lately with thoughts that cant be pinned down. I have so much work to do and have been working my ass off, yet I can never seem to get enough of it done during the day to feel satisfied. And its not just me being a perfectionist, its just that I am swamped with these essays and preparing for my dissertation. Not to mention the endless job searching that has begun... that is one cold, harsh reality- that I am going to be looking for a job nonstop for the five months. Can a girl get an OY VAY!?!
This weekend I tried hard to chill out. I broke up the work with a little retail therapy, a great Irish film, and a trip to Queen of Tarts, because nothing says depression like Bailey's chocolate chip chessecake. Alas, Monday came, and it was back to the gym, back to work, and back to stressing.
Not gonna lie, I'm wicked homesick. With all thats going on with the fam at home, I really want to be there... not here... but its just not in the cards right now. I cant make it happen. HOWEVER, there is much to look forward to in these upcoming weeks. I'm going to London for a much anticipated reunion/ birthday bash with Ben, and as soon as I get back to Dublin, Matt is coming to visit. It will be delightful to see two of my favorite guys! I know, I know... this life in Europe, not so bad.
But for now, I'm going to go rock out to some trade liberalization. Nothing like the cruel, cruel world to put a girl to sleep.


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