Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Is that a dodgy mole or cake on her face?"
Reason #426 I have come to love the British; they make expressions like "dodgy mole" sound eloquent.

Its been quite a week! Mostly filled with research, classes, and the gym, but this weekend has been lovely (as someone with currently only two days of classes a week, I use the term weekend loosely). Thursday we had a class pub night which was a good time- nice to hang out with people I wouldn't normally- and good to shake things up, I suppose. Friday night Ann and I went on a "date" to an overpriced Italian restaurant that boasts the most bland food on the planet. Last night we had a fabulous party at Laura and Jamie's place to celebrate Jamie and Erin Nuggie's birthdays! Highlights included a yummy dinner, Jamie "violating" Laura's plant, the karaoke version of Bohemian Rhapsody, as performed by myself, Nuggie, and Jeanne, charades (the American, Irish, and British versions), gifts like chocolate, mouse tampons (dont ask), and Broadway shows, and a delish homemade chocolate cake that ended up in more than one person's face. Afterwards it was off to our old haunt 4 Dame Lane, where we were packed in like sardines... but sardines with really good music. I got home at about 4am and talked to Jared until about 5am. I was up entirely too late, but it was a wonderful night.

Today I am going to read the Times and catch up on some magazines before the celebration of Miss Nuggie's Birthday Extravaganza continues (we ladies sure know how to drag these things out). About an hour ago I decided to forfeit all attempts at a productive day. Research and laundry will have to wait till tomorrow... there is celebrating to be done!


At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Erin. It's Matt Lally. You know what's been happening a lot lately? No? Well, I'll tell you. I'll be thinking about something, and then, I'll either see that thing or someone will start talking about that thing, and I'll go, "Hey! I was JUST thinking about that!" So I was thinking about you, for whatever reason. By sheer coincidence, I went to Graham's myspace page and then stumbled upon this blogger thing, and then saw your name. Lo and behold, the "just thinking about that" phenomenon happens agin. Maybe I should start thinking about a large sum of money... Anyway, just saying Hi. Haven't seen/talked to you in a year. Looks like you're doing well. Drop me a line.


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