Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Monkey Business

"Boys are gross and conservatives are crazy."

Its 2:30am and me, Nuggie, and Ann are the last three standing in the library. With over a dozen coffees, six Red Bulls, and a few bags of popcorn to sustain us, we have pondered the meaning of life, why boys pee on toilet seats, and the American feminist movement. We have agreed that Ann Coulter should be burned at the stake, Jesus may or may not be in the Reading Room, and that your brain shuts down after 28 days of no sleep. Yes, really.

We're almost there!!!


Erin Finukie + Erin Nuggie = Umm... something bad

*Cough* "Spores."
"I have spores in my lungs."

"What the hell are you doing?"
"I have to powder my nose... theres a boy in here now."

"Maybe I'll read some Jesus."

"Do you think some women blow their noses in their burkas?"

"Bodily functions are very funny."
"Dude. You are gross."

"I HATE that you have my name!"

"Isn't Nugs another name for boobs?"
"No... thats JUGS!"

There is something very funny about the library at 5am.


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