Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Blah Post

Essay boot camp is not fun.

I was in the reading room until 3am last night, and didnt find my way to sleep until about 5am. It was a long and productive day... the kind of day that makes me want to relax with a Bloody Mary, a good meal, and Vogue. Instead it was a venti latte, popcorn, and more trade liberalization. Freaking essays. I'm in slow-mo today; the all nighter may have not been the best idea. But when you're in the groove you've gotta go with it.

I'm so jealous of my friends that go home "to the country" for the week to work on their essays. I would just about kill to be in my house at home working right now. Familiar sounds and smells, good food, pots of coffee. Warmth. I try to recreate warmth in Dublin, but its impossible when you're pulling 12 hour days. When I get back to the flat I can barely stand up long enough to throw some cat food in Oscar's bowl, let alone do the laundry that is piling up in my room, or the dishes that have found a new home in the sink... I want my big soft bed and our nice comfy couch. Hardwood floors and my Mom's food. A peaceful place to work. Instead I'm in the reading room watching the rain outside, listening to a foul-mouthed Dub talk to her boyfriend on the phone. "I dont give a fock what ye do... go and act like dat." Little does she know that mobile is about to find its way up her ass.

Ever since I was little I have loved the city, regardless of the fact that I am the product of a rural upbringing. I love the noise, the excitement, I thrive on the hustle and bustle. After living in a city for the last five years, I have come to appreciate the importance of getting out. Especially in Ireland, where the countryside is like heaven on earth. When Matt was here I was reminded of the fact that there is an ocean about fifteen minutes away from me. I need to explore more... even if its with laptop in hand, I have got to get out of here. The city can be suffocating.

But today... today I am chained to the desk for the remainder of the evening, left only to day dream about getting out of Dublin. Tomorrow, however, may be an entirely different story.
"The woods are lovely dark and deep/ but I have promises to keep/ and miles to go before I sleep..."


At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is mom strong and Im the funny one
Love Dad


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