Saturday, November 05, 2005


I love productive Saturdays. As one of my few free days of the week, Saturday is desperately important: big blocks of uninterrupted time for doing... things- its heaven. Heaven in my gray sweats and leopard print slippers.

I locked myself in the house today- contemplated going to the bookstore and/or library to pick up some new books for research, but ruled it out due to the array of distractions I would inevitably walk past. So here I sat at my kitchen table with my lap top, nursing my cold, and taking notes- completely obsessed with researching my first essay (which is on religion and female genital mutilation- no worries, I'll spare you the details). I only got out of my seat to have the most wonderful creation for dinner (thank you, Ann Hoag)- a toasted peanut butter/ nutella/ banana sandwich... okay, so its a bit desserty, but it was divine!

Its now 10pm in beautiful Dublin and my adrenaline is still flowing! I'm still at the kitchen table, drinking Lemsip, listening to Madame Butterfly, and plugging away at my research, feeling very studious and accomplished.

Oh, the simple things in life... I love Saturdays.


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